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Abstract. Consider a proper cocompact CAT(O) space X. We give a complete alge- 
braic characterisation of amenable groups of isometries of X. For amenable discrete 
subgroups, an even narrower description is derived, implying Q-linearity in the torsion- 
free case. 
f^ , We establish Levi decompositions for stabilisers of points at infinity of X, generalis- 

rvq ' ing the case of linear algebraic groups to \s{X). A geometric counterpart of this sheds 

light on the refined bordification of X (a la Karpelevich) and leads to a converse to the 
j^ . Adams-Ballmann theorem. It is further deduced that ummodular cocompact groups 

cannot fix any point at infinity except in the Euclidean factor; this fact is needed for 
the study of CAT(O) lattices. 
1/^ ■ Various fixed point results are derived as illustrations. 


j^ ■ 1. Introduction 1 

2. On the structure of locally compact groups 6 

3. Horoactions and Levi decompositions 9 

4. Compactible subgroups and unimodularity 18 
^1 5. Amenable isometry groups 20 

OO ■ References 31 



^ ■ 1. Introduction 

O ■ 

^ I l.A. Amenable isometry groups. A celebrated theorem by Tits asserts that an arbi- 

trary group G C GL(y) of linear transformations of a finite-dimensional vector space V 
over any field is subjected to the following alternative: either G contains a non-abelian 

^ I free subgroup, or G is soluble-by-{locaUy finite} (see Theorems 1 and 2 in [Tit72]). In 

^ • particular a subgroup G C GL(y) is amenable if and only if it is soluble-by-{locally 

finite}. The importance of that result stimulated since then an active search for larger 
classes of groups satisfying a similar alternative. It is in particular a notorious open 
problem to obtain a version of the Tits alternative for groups G C Is(X), where X is a 
cocompact proper CAT(O) space, i.e. a non-positively curved proper metric space with 
a cocompact isometry group. 

Date: March 2012. 

* F.R.S.-FNRS research associate. Supported in part by FNRS grant F.4520.11 and by the ERC. 
'Supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the ERC. 



While considering extensions of the Tits alternative to wider families of groups, it is 
natural to split the problem into two sub-questions, namely: 

(1) Does every non-amenable subgroup contain a free group? 

(2) What is the algebraic structure of amenable subgroups? 

Our first goal in this paper is to provide a complete answer to Question (2) for isometry 
groups of a cocompact proper CAT(O) space. To this end, we recall that the locally 
elliptic radical Rad_5f^ of a locally compact group is the largest normal subgroup which 
can be written as increasing union of compact groups (see [Pla65]). In case of discrete 
groups, locally elliptic is thus a synonym of locally finite. 

The following theorem shows that a subgroup is amenable if and only if it has a 
specific canonical decomposition into pieces that are either connected soluble or discrete 
soluble or locally elliptic, in analogy with Tits' description of amenable linear groups. 

Theorem A. Let X be a proper cocompact CAT(O) space. 

A closed subgroup H C Is(X) is amenable if and only if the following three conditions 

(1) H° is soluble-by-compact, 

(2) H° Y{.a.d^s{H) is open in H, 

(3) H/{H° Radj^^iH)) is virtually soluble. 

Thus a closed subgroup H C Is(A') is amenable if and only if it is {connected soluble}- 
by-{locally elliptic}-by-{discrete virtually soluble}. 

In the same way as the Tits alternative can be used to find obstructions to linearity. 
Theorem A implies that many groups cannot appear as closed subgroups of a cocompact 
group of isometrics of a proper CAT(O) spaces. Since amenability passes to the closure, 
we still get restrictions on arbitrary amenable subgroups. As an extreme example, we 
recall that there is an active search for (infinite) finitely generated simple amenable 
groups; non-positively curved spaces will not be the natural habitat where to hunt for 

Corollary B. Let T be an infinite finitely generated amenable group. Assume that the 
only virtually abelian quotient ofT is the trivial one (e.g. T is simple). 

Then there is no non-trivial isometric T-action whatsoever on any proper cocompact 
CAT(O) space. 

l.B. Discrete amenable subgroups. Given a discrete group F acting properly and 
cocompactly on X, all the amenable subgroups of T are virtually abelian and stabilise a 
flat in X: this was proved by Adams-Ballmann (Corollary B in [AB98]) and generalises 
the Solvable Subgroup Theorem (Theorem II. 7.8 in [BH99]). 

We emphasize that Theorem A does not suppose the existence of any discrete co- 
compact group of isometrics: only the (possibly indiscrete) full isometry group Is(X) is 
assumed cocompact. Although discrete amenable subgroups of Is(X) need not be virtu- 
ally abelian (for instance the Heisenberg group over Z is a discrete subgroup of SL3(R)), 
Theorem A states that they must be {locally finite}-by-{ virtually soluble}. We remark 
that the virtually soluble quotient need not be finitely generated in general (this applies 
a fortiori to the discrete quotient of H in Theorem A). Indeed, a CAT(O) lattice such 
as SL„(Z[l/p]) contains the infinitely generated abelian group Z[l/p] as a subgroup. 


Notice however that every finitely generated subgroup of 7j[l/p] is cyclic. This reflects 
a general property of Q-linear soluble groups, all of which have finite Priifer rank. 
Recall that this rank is the smallest integer r such that every finitely generated subgroup 
can be generated by at most r elements. Our next theorem establishes such a finiteness 
result in the generality of all proper cocompact CAT(O) spaces. 

Theorem C. Let X he a proper cocompact CAT(O) space. Then there is a constant 
r = r{X) such that the following holds. 

For every discrete amenable subgroup T < Is(X), the quotient T / lHad^c^^'i^) is virtually 
{torsion-free soluble of Priifer rank < r}. 

Remark that for each prime p, the lamplighter group CZi/p) I Z can be realised as a 
discrete group of isometrics of a cocompact CAT(O) space, since it embeds in the CAT(O) 
lattice Shn{F p[t,t~^]). Theorem C implies that, on the other hand, the wreath product 
Z ; Z cannot. 

Since torsion-free soluble groups of finite Priifer rank are known to be linear over Q 
by a theorem of Wehrfritz [Weh73, pp. 25-26], Theorem C has the following consequence. 

Corollary D. Let X be a proper cocompact CAT(O) space. 

Then any torsion-free discrete amenable subgroup T < ls{X) is Q-linear. D 

By a theorem of Sh. Rosset [Ros76], the kernel of any homomorphism of a finitely 
generated group of sub exponential growth to a virtually soluble group is itself finitely 
generated. As pointed out to us by Ami Eisenmann, the latter fact combined with 
Theorem C yields the following, since a virtually soluble group of subexponential growth 
is virtually nilpotent [Mil68]. 

Corollary E. Let X be a proper cocompact CAT(O) space. 

Then every finitely generated discrete subgroup T < Is(X) of subexponential growth is 
virtually nilpotent. 

Thus ls{X) does not admit discrete subgroups of intermediate growth. D 

Of course certain groups of intermediate growth can be embedded non-discretely into 
Is(X), for instance if they are residually finite like Grigorchuk's group. 

I.e. Refining spaces. A fundamental tool for the study of amenable subgroups of 
isometrics of a proper CAT(O) space X is the Adams-Ballmann theorem [AB98] which 
states that such a group preserves a flat or fixes a point at infinity. The first case of this 
alternative is of course highly satisfactory since the isometrics of Euclidean space form 
a very elementary Lie group, but the case of a fixed point at infinity seems at first sight 
to be of little help for the elucidation of the group. 

The way forward here is to use the transverse space X^ of a point (, G dX together 
with the canonical action of the stabiliser of ^ on X^, see Section 3.D below (in the 
classical case of symmetric spaces, this construction goes back at least to the Karpelevich 
compactification; in general, see also [LeeOO], [Cap09]). This opens the door to iterations, 
considering refining sequences {^i, ■ ■ ■ ,Ck): which are defined by ^i € dX and then 
^j+i G c?X^^^,,,^^-. A refined point, flat, etc. refers to the corresponding object in some 
Xgj ,,,^^^ . With this terminology at hand, we can state a converse to the Adams-Ballmann 
theorem, whose proof relies on iterative constructions of liftings for transverse spaces with 


(generally non-continuous) associated honiomorphisms, and on an appropriate version 
of the Kazhdan-Margulis theorem. 

Theorem F. Let X be a proper cocompact CAT(O) space. 

Then the stabiliser of every refined flat of X is amenable (and closed). 

This is a converse because both theorems combine to give the following geometric 
characterisation of all amenable subgroups, thus complementing the algebraic charac- 
terisation of Theorem A: 

Corollary G. Let X be a proper cocompact CAT(O) space. 

Then a closed subgroup of ls{X) is amenable if and only if it preserves a refined flat. 

The 'only if direction follows from a simple iteration of the Adams-Ballmann the- 
orem [AB98]. This iteration process terminates after finitely many steps because the 
maximal index A; of a refining sequence (^i, . . . ,S,k) in X is bounded when X is cocom- 
pact. This bound, which we call the depth of X, turns out to coincide with the flat 
rank (see Corollary 3.20 below). 

There are groups for which every isometric action on a proper CAT(O) space must 
preserve a refined flat without requesting the amenability of the group. It is easy to 
produce such examples in a way that runs afoul of the combination of Corollary G and 
Theorem A, thus giving groups that cannot act at all. Here is an example: 

Corollary H. Richard Thompson's simple groups T and V do not admit any non-trivial 
isometric action whatsoever on any proper cocompact CAT(O) space. 

Recall that Thompson's group T can be viewed as the group of all orientation pre- 
serving piecewise affine transformations of R/Z which have dyadic breaking points and 
whose slopes are integral powers of two. Alternatively, it admits the following finite 
presentation, see [CFP96, §5]. 

T = (^a,b,c \ [ab~ , a~ ba], [ab^ , a" ba ], c~ 6a^ cb, 

{a^^cba^^bay^ba^^cb^, a~^ c~^ {a~^ cbf , c^) 

This group is known to have a very nice (proper) isometric action on a locally finite 
CAT(O) cube complex [FarOS], but the latter space is not cocompact - indeed not finite- 
dimensional. A similar construction is available for V . 

At the end of Section 5.B, we shall give various examples of groups, amenable or 
not, some of them torsion-free, for which no isometric action on any proper cocompact 
CAT(O) space can be faithful. Recall that every countable group embeds in a 2-generated 
simple group (see [Hal 74] and [Sch76]). Moreover, if the countable group in question 
is torsion-free, then the simple group can also be chosen torsion-free, as follows from 
Theorem A in []\Ici85] (see also Remark 2 on p. 392 in loc.cit.). Applying this embedding 
theorem to one of the torsion-free groups without faithful action on a proper cocompact 
CAT(O) space constructed in Section 5.B below, we obtain the following. 

Corollary I. There is an infinite 2-generated torsion-free simple group that does not 
admit any non-trivial isometric action on any proper cocompact CAT(O) space. D 


Notice that the assumption that a space be cocompact, which does not impose any 
restriction on the action of the groups that we consider, does not either imply any sort 
of local regularity nor of finite dimensionality. For very explicit examples of proper 
cocompact minimal CAT(— 1) spaces that are infinite-dimensional, see [MP12]. 

l.D. Fixed points and Levi decompositions. In the quest for understanding cocom- 
pact CAT(O) spaces and their cocompact isometry groups, we have proposed in [CM09b] 
some structural results under the assumption that no point at infinity be fixed by the 
entire cocompact group. Notice however that the results stated above do not request 
that hypothesis; their proofs therefore require to study the remaining case, i.e when 
some point at infinity has a stabiliser acting cocompactly on the space. We shall prove 
that such a stabiliser admits a Levi decomposition generalising the situation of parabolic 
subgroups of semi-simple algebraic groups; moreover, the corresponding "Levi factor" 
will again be represented as a cocompact isometry group of a suitable CAT(O) subspace. 

Let thus X be a proper CAT(O) space, G < Is(X) a closed subgroup and ^ G dX. We 

G^' := I 5 G G : lim d{g ■ r{t),r{t)) = Vr with r(oo) = A 

(where r : R — t- X are geodesic rays) . This is a closed normal subgroup of G^ . We recall 
that Opp(^) is the set of points ^' G dX that are visually opposite ^, i.e. such that there 
is a bi-infinite geodesic line in X with extremities ^ and ^'. The union of all such lines 
is denoted by P{^,^')', it is a closed convex subspace of X with a non-trivial Euclidean 
factor. If the stabiliser Is(X)g acts cocompactly, then the set Opp(i^) is non-empty. 

Theorem J. Assume that G^ acts cocompactly on X . Then for each ^' G Opp(^) we 
have a decomposition 

which is almost semi-direct in the sense that G^,^' H G^ is compact. In particular, G^ 
acts transitively on Opp(^). 

This algebraic Levi decomposition comes with the geometric counterpart below, which 
generalises the fact that, for semi-simple Lie groups, the Levi factor acts on a totally 
geodesic copy of its symmetric space embedded in the ambient space by the Mostow- 
Karpelevich theorem. 

Proposition K. In the setting of Theorem J, the double stabiliser G^^^/ acts cocompactly 
on P{S,,S,') and there is a canonical isometry P{^,S,') = R x X^ so that G^^^/ n Ker(/3^) 
acts cocompactly on X^. 

(Herein /3g : G^ — t- R denotes the Busemann character.) 

As we shall see in Section 4, the kernel of the G^-action on X^ is amenable. At this 
point, the following scheme emerges for a completely general cocompact group G of 
isometrics of a proper CAT(O) space X: 

If there is no global fixed point at infinity, then some structure results are provided 
in [CM09b]. Otherwise, we have a new cocompact G-action on a transverse space X^. On 
the one hand, the kernel of this G-action is amenable, and thus described by Theorem A. 
On the other hand, the remaining quotient of G is again a cocompact group of isometrics. 


and we can therefore repeat this dichotomic analysis. This process terminates in finitely 
many steps since each transverse space will sit in X with an additional Euclidean factor 
by Proposition K. 

Another motivation for Theorem J is the study of CAT(O) lattices (in the sense 
of [CM09a]). Since many of the results in [CM09b], [CM09a] depend on the assumption 
that no point at infinity be fixed simultaneously by all isometrics, it was quite valuable 
to know that uniform CAT(O) lattices (a.k.a CAT(O) groups) have no fixed point at 
infinity except possibly on the Euclidean factor (upon passing, if needed, to the canon- 
ical minimal invariant CAT(O) subspace). This was essentially established in [BS87], 
see [AB98, Cor. 2.7]. It has been generalised to finitely generated CAT(O) lattices in 
Proposition 3.15 of [CM09a]. However, none of these arguments seem to apply to infin- 
itely generated lattices; but using Theorem J we obtain the desired statement: 

Theorem L. Let X he a proper CAT(O) space without Euclidean factor and such that 
Is(X) acts cocompactly and minimally. 

IfT< ls{X) is any lattice, then there are no T -fixed points at infinity. 

As it turns out, the relevant consequence of Theorem J applies much more generally 
to unimodular groups: 

Theorem M. Let X be a proper CAT(O) space and G < ls{X) a closed subgroup acting 
cocompactly and minimally on X. 

If G is unimodular, then its fixed points at infinity are contained in the boundary of 
the Euclidean factor. 

Location of the proofs. Theorems A, C and F, as well as their corollaries, are proved 
in the final section of the paper. They rely on the one hand, on some facts pertaining to 
the structure theory of general locally compact groups, which we collect in a preliminary 
Section 2, and on the other hand on specific geometric tools, which are developed in 
Sections 3 and 4. 

Section 3 discusses the transverse spaces and refined bordification of X. It culminates 
in a proof of the Levi decomposition (Theorem J and Proposition K). The amenability 
of the "unipotent radical" in the Levi decomposition is established in Section 4, using 
a notion of compactible subgroups that is analogous but quite more general than the 
compaction groups studied in [CCMTll]. Compactibility is some weak form of con- 
tractibility, which is confronted to the invariance of the Haar measure under conjugacy 
in order to deduce Theorems L and M. The final Section 5 is devoted to the proofs of 
the geometric and algebraic characterisations of amenable subgroups. 

Acknowledgements. The final writing of this paper was partly accomplished when 
both authors were visiting the Mittag-Leffler Institute, whose hospitality was greatly 
appreciated. Thanks are also due to Ami Eisenmann for pointing out Corollary E. 

2. On the structure of locally compact groups 

It seems that all the problems concerning the structure of locally compact 
groups have been completely solved. 

Hidehiko Yamabc, [Yam53, p. 352] 


According to the solution to Hilbert's fifth problem, which we shall refer to as Yam- 
abe's theorem in the sequel, every locally compact group G such that G/G° is compact 
has a unique maximal compact normal subgroup W such that G/W is a virtually con- 
nected Lie group (see [Yam53] and Theorem 4.6 in [MZ55]). This plays a fundamental 
role in the proof of the following. 

Theorem 2.1. Let Y be a locally compact group such that the group of components 
Y/Y° is locally elliptic. 

Then y/Rad^^(y) is a Lie group, Y° Rad_^^(y) is open in Y and the discrete quotient 
y/(y° Radjf^(y)) is virtually soluble. 

The part of the statement not regarding virtual solubility was obtained in Theorem A. 5 
from [CTll]. 

We emphasize that the discrete quotient Y/{Y°Rad_^^Y)) need not be virtually 
torsion-free. Indeed, this is illustrated by the semi-direct product 

y = r2 X Cpoo < r2 X 0(2), 

where Cpoc denote the group of all p"-roots of unity with p a prime and n > an arbitrary 
integer. In this example the radical Rad_sf^(y) is trivial and the group of components 
Y/Y° = Cpoo is abelian and locally elliptic, but not virtually torsion- free. 

The proof of Theorem 2.1 requires some preparation and will be given at the end of 
this chapter. 

2. A. Locally compact subgroups of Lie groups. Following the general convention 
in the theory of locally compact groups, we define a Lie group as a locally compact 
group G such that the identity component G° is open in G and is a connected Lie group 
in the usual sense. 

Proposition 2.2. Let G be a Lie group and H be a locally compact group admitting a 
continuous faithful homomorphism into G. 
Then we have the following. 

(i) H is a Lie group, 
(ii) If G/G° is virtually soluble, then the following assertions are equivalent: 

(a) H/H° is virtually soluble; 

(b) H/H° is amenable; 

(c) H/H° does not contain non-abelian free subgroups. 

Proof, (i) is an immediate consequence of the characterization of Lie groups as those 
locally compact groups having no small subgroups, see [MZ55]. 

(ii) Assume that G/G° is virtually soluble. The implications (a) =^ (b) =^ (c) are 
clear. We assume henceforth that (c) holds. Let a: if —t- G be a continuous faithful 
homomorphism, let B = a{H) and A = a{H°). Thus ^ is a closed connected normal 
subgroup of B, hence A < B°. 

By Theorem 2.1 from Chapter XVI in [Hoc65], the quotient of a connected Lie group 
by a dense connected normal subgroup is abelian. This implies that A/a{H°) is abelian. 
So is thus H^/H°, where H^ = a'^iA). Let also H^ = a~^{B°). Then the discrete 
group H"^ /H^ embeds in the connected Lie group B° /A. By hypothesis H'^/H^ does 


not contain non-abelian free subgroups. It must therefore be virtually soluble by the 
Tits alternative [Tit 72]. Thus H^/H° is virtually soluble, and it remains to show that 
H/H^ is virtually soluble. Since the latter embeds continuously and faithfully in B/B°, 
it suffices to prove that B/B° is virtually soluble. In other words, we have reduced the 
problem to the special case when H = B is a. closed subgroup of a Lie group G with 
G/G° virtually soluble. This is what we assume henceforth. 

Since H° is contained in G°, there is no loss of generality in assuming that G is 

Let R be the soluble radical of H° and S = H° / R. Let J be the inverse image in 
H of ^iJij{{S). Since J is an extension of i? by a subgroup of H/H°, it follows that J 
does not contain non-abelian free subgroups. Moreover, since the outer automorphism 
group of the semisimple Lie group S is finite, it follows that the image of J in H/H° 
is of finite index. By the Tits alternative, a subgroup of a connected Lie group which 
does not have free subgroups must be virtually soluble. Thus J, and hence also H/H°, 
is virtually soluble, as desired. D 

2.B. Central extensions of locally elliptic groups. 

Proposition 2.3. Let G be a locally compact group and Z < G be a closed subgroup 
contained in the centre J2f{G). 

IfG/Z is locally elliptic, then G/ Rad_^<g>(G) is abelian (and torsion-free). 

Proposition 2.3 is a companion to the following classical result. 

Theorem 2.4 (Usakov [Usa63]). Let G be a locally compact group in which every con- 
jugacy class has compact closure. 

Then the union of all compact subgroups of G forms a closed normal subgroup, which 
therefore coincides with Rad_sf^(G), and the corresponding quotient G/Rad_5f^(G) is 
abelian (and torsion-free). D 

Proof of Proposition 2. 3. We are given a short exact sequence 1— )'Z— )'G— t-Q— )-l 
with Z central in G and Q locally elliptic. Let G' = Gj Rad_5f^(G) and Z' be the closure 
of the image of Z in G'\ write Q' = G' jZ' and consider the short exact sequence 

\^Z' ^G' ^Q' ^\. 

The normal subgroup Z' is central in G' (since the image of Z is dense) and the quotient 
Q' is locally elliptic (since it is a quotient of Q). Thus the latter short exact sequence 
satisfies the hypotheses of the Proposition. We need to show that G' is abelian. 

Let now g\,g2 G G' . Then {^1,^2} is contained in a group H which an extension 
of Z' by a compact group since Q' is locally elliptic. Thus every conjugacy class in B 
has compact closure, and it follows from Theorem 2.4 that ff/ Rad^^(-fr) is abelian and 
torsion- free. 

We first specialize this observation to the case when (71,92 are both elliptic. It then 
follows that 91,52 S Rad_5f^(iJ), and thus that 91,92 belong to a common compact 
subgroup of G' . Therefore the set of elliptic elements of G' is a subgroup, and must 
therefore be contained in Rad_5f^(G') = 1. It follows that G' has no nontrivial compact 


Applying again the observation above to two arbitrary elements gi,g2, and taking now 
into account that Iiad^^{H) is trivial (since G' has no nontrivial compact subgroup), 
we infer that H is abelian and, hence, that gi and g2 commute. Thus G' is abelian, as 
desired. D 

2.C. Connected quotients and Proof of Theorem 2.1. The last tool that we need 
is the following fact; for the proof, we refer to Lemma 2.4 in [CCMTll]. 

Lemma 2.5. Let G be a locally compact group with a quotient map n: G ^^ L onto a 
Lie group L. Themr{G°) = L° . D 

As pointed out in [CCMTll], this statement can fail if L is not Lie; for an elementary 
substitute in the general case, see Lemma 5.3 below. 

Proof of Theorem 2.1. Let y be a locally compact group such that Y/Y° is locally el- 
liptic. In order to prove the Theorem, we may assume without loss of generality that 
Radj5f^(y°) = 1. Thus Y° is a connected Lie group by Yamabe's theorem. Theorem A. 5 
from [CTll] then yields that y° Rad^^(y) is open in Y. In particular y/Rad^^(y) is 
a Lie group. 

It remains to show that Y / {Y° Yla,<lj^g{Y)) is virtually soluble. 

Let vr: y — ?• Aut(y°) be the homomorphism induced by the conjugation action of Y 
on y°. Since Aut(y°) acts faithfully on the Lie algebra of y°, we may assume that vr 
takes its values in GL„(R) for some n. By Proposition 2.2, the group vr(y) (endowed 
with the quotient topology from y/Ker(7r)) is a Lie group. Consequently Lemma 2.5 
yields tt{Y°) = 7r(y)°. In particular the group of components 7r(y)/7r(y)° is a quotient 
of Y/Y° , and is thus locally elliptic, hence amenable. Invoking Proposition 2.2 again, it 
follows that 7r(y)/7r(y)° is virtually soluble. 

Since Ker(7r) = .^y(y°) > Rad_g'^(y), all it remains to show is that 

Y°^Yiy°)/y° Rad^^(y) ^ 2fY{Y°)/Y° Radi^^(y) n ^{Y°) 
is virtually soluble. Observing further that 

y° Rad^^(y) n 5^(y°) = (y° n 3^y{y°)) Rad^^(y) = ^{y°) Rad^^(y), 

the remaining statement to be proven is that 3fY{Y°)/3f{Y°)'Rady^{Y) is virtually 

Notice that Z = 3f{Y°) is central in 2^YiY°). Moreover the quotient ^r(y°)/Z ^ 
Y°2fY{Y°)/Y° is locally elliptic, as it is isomorphic to a subgroup of Y/Y°. We are 
thus in a position to apply Proposition 2.3 to the group i^(y°). This implies that 
^Y(y°)/Radif^(^Y(y°)) is abelian. Hence so are the groups J^y(y°)/Rad^^(y) and 
3rY{Y°)/3f{Y°) Rad^^(y). This concludes the proof. D 


3. A. Transverse spaces and horoactions. To each point ^ G dX at infinity of a 
CAT(O) space X, one associates a new CAT(O) space X^ called the transverse space 
of S, and defined as follows. Consider the set Xc of all rays r: R+ — )■ X pointing to ^. 
We claim that the infimal distance 

dfir.r') = inf d(r(t),r'(t')) 
^ t,t'>o 


between rays is a pseudometric. Indeed, this follows from the convexity of the distance: 
more precisely, there is a constant C (which is none other than the difference between 
the Busemann functions associated to r and r') such that 

(3.i) dAr,r') = lim d(r(i), r'(t + C)) 

t— >-oo 

holds. Now we define X^ to be the (Hausdorff ) metric completion of the pseudometric 
space X|, still denoting the resulting metric by d^. The formula (3.i) shows that X^ is 
a CAT(O) space and there is a canonical 1-Lipschitz map X — )• X^ with dense image. 

Any isometry g oi X induces an isometry X^ — )■ Xg^. In particular, there is a canonical 
isometric action of the stabiliser Is(X)^ on X^. 

Definition 3.1. The isometric Is(X)g-action on R x X^ given by 

uji-: G^ ^ Is(RxX5) 
u}(.{g): {t,x) I — > {t + /3^{g),g.x) 

is called the horoaction. Here, (i^{g) is the Busemann character associated to S,, 
which we recall can be expressed as 

t— >oo 

l^da) = lim [dir{t),xo) - d{r{t),gxo) 

where r is any ray pointing to ^ and xq any point of X. 

Remark 3.2. This definition shows that the kernel Ker(aj^) of the horoaction is precisely 
the normal subgroup G^ < G^ introduced before the statement of Theorem J. 

Some basic properties of the transverse space X^ are collected in the following propo- 
sition. A point ^ G dX is called a cocompact point at infinity if its stabiliser Is(X)g 
acts cocompactly on X. 

Proposition 3.3. Let S, G X^. We have the following. 

(i) X^ is a complete CAT(O) space. 

(a) The canonical homomorphisni Is(X)g — )■ Is(X^) is continuous. 
(Hi) If X is of bounded geometry, then so is X^; in particular, X^ is proper in that case, 
(iv) If X is of bounded geometry, then it has finite depth. 

(v) If a subgroup of ls{X)^ acts cocompactly on X, then it acts cocompactly on Xg. In 
particular, X^ is a cocompact space whenever ^ is a cocompact point. 

Proof. For (i), (ii) and (iii), see Proposition 4.3 from [C'apOD]. As for (iv), it follows from 
Corollary 4.4 in [C'ap09]. The last item is straightforward. D 

Remark 3.4. Given a proper CAT(O) space X and a closed subgroup G C Is(X) fixing 
a point ^ G dX, we warn the reader that the image oj^{G) of G under the horoaction 
need not be closed in Is(Rx Xg). Indeed, consider the CAT(O) space X = H xT, defined 
as the product of the hyperbolic plane H = H^ and the p + 1-regular tree T, where T is 
viewed as the Bruhat-Tits tree of SL2(Qp). Let G C Is(X) be the infinite cyclic group 

G = {(J M|zGZ} diagonally embedded in SL2(R) x SL2(Qp) C Is(A:). Then G is 

discrete, hence closed in Is(X). It fixes a point ^ at infinity of the H^-factor, annihilates 


the Busemann character (3^ associated to that point, and fixes a point x G T in the tree 

Since ^ hes on the boundary of the factor H, we have X^ = [H x T)^ = H^^ x T = T 
since H^ is reduced to a singleton because H is CAT(— 1). In other words there is a 
canonical isometry T — t- X^ which is Is(X)^-equivariant. In particular the closure of the 
image w^(G') of G under the horoaction in Is(R x X^) is isomorphic to the closure of G 
in SL2(Qp), and is thus compact and infinite. In particular ijo^{G) is not closed. 

3.B. Lifting the transverse space. 

. . . quelque chose d'aussi naif que I'entreprise d'atteindre Vhorizon en 
marchant devant soi. 

Marcel Proust, A la recherche du temps perdu - Alhertine disparue, 


Our next goal is to construct an isometric section X^ — )■ X for the projection X — )■ X^ 
when .^ is a cocompact point at infinity (or opposite a cocompact point). We first record 
in Proposition 3.7 below an elementary observation which is valid under a much weaker 

Definition 3.5. Let G be any group acting by isometrics on a CAT(O) space X. We call 
^ G dX a radial limit point (of G) if there is a sequence {gn} in G such that for some 
ray tq : R"*" — )• X pointing to S,, the sequence g~^ro(0) converges to ^ while remaining at 
bounded distance of tq. 

Notice that in that case, the condition holds for all rays r pointing to ^. In fact, q^^xq 
converges to ^ while remaining at bounded distance of r for any xq G X. Therefore we 
shall simply call such a sequence {gn} radial for ^. 

Remarks 3.6. 

(1) If X is cocompact, then any ^ G dX is a radial limit point. 

(2) This definition should be distinguished from certain notions of conical limit 
points that are not equivalent in the absence of negative curvature (for instance, 
the terminology of [Hat05] is incompatible with that of [Alb99]). 

(3) When no G is given, it is always understood that G = ls{X). 

For radial limit points, a simple limiting argument provides the following weak form 
of lifting, to be strengthened for cocompact points in Theorem 3.9 below. 

Proposition 3.7. Let X he a proper CAT(O) space. For every radial limit point ^ G dX, 
there exists an isometric embedding R x X^ — )■ X. 

The proposition has the following immediate consequence for the geometric dimen- 
sion of the Tits boundary; a stronger statement for cocompact spaces will be given in 
Corollary 3.20 below. 

Corollary 3.8. If ^ £ dX is a radial point of the proper CAT(O) space X, then 
dim(aXg) < dim(5X) - 1. D 

Proof of Proposition 3.7. Let tq, {gn} be as in Definition 3.5. Let tn ^ be such that 
ro{tn) is the projection of g~^rQ{0) to tq. Then, for any given r in X^, the sequence 


5n(^(in)) remains bounded in X. Therefore there is a simultaneous accumulation point 
for the family (indexed by r G Xt) of sequences of isometric maps 

[-t„,oo) — > X, ti — > gn{r{t + tn)), 

uniformly on bounded intervals. This accumulation point is therefore a map /* from Xt 
to the set of isometric maps R — )■ X. By construction, any two maps in the image of /* 
remain at bounded distance. More precisely, the (Hausdorff) distance between /*(r)(R) 
and /*(r')(R) is exactly dg(r, r') for any r, r' G X| . Denote by T the metric space of all 
lines at finite distance of /*(ro)(R) endowed with Hausdorff distance. The union of all 
these lines is a convex subset of X isometric to the product R x T, see [BH99, II. 2. 14]; 
in fact this union is closed, i.e. T is complete (compare e.g. the last sentence before 
Remark 40 in [MonOG]). The map /* : Xt — ?• T preserves (pseudo-)distances; therefore, 
X^ is isometric to a subset of T, finishing the proof. D 

Following [CM09b], we say that a point ^' G dX is opposite to ^ if there is a geodesic 
line in X whose extremities are ^ and ^'. We say that ^' is antipodal to ^ if Zt(C) C) = '^■ 
Thus the set Opp(.^) of points opposite to ^ is contained in the set Ant(^) consisting of all 
antipodes of ^. It is shown in [CM09b, Proposition 7.1] that if Is(X)g acts cocompactly, 
then Opp(^) is non-empty and any closed cocompact subgroup of Is(X)g acts transitively 
on Opp(C). 

Given ^' G Opp(^), we denote by P{S,,^') the union of all geodesic lines joining S, to 
^' . The set P{S,,£,') is closed and convex in X; moreover there is a canonical isometric 

(3.ii) p(e,e') = Rxy 

for some complete CAT(O) space Y (see [BH99, II. 2. 14]). When ^ is cocompact, the 
following Theorem identifies Y with X^ and in particular provides an isometric section 
X^ — )• X for the canonical map X — )■ X^. 

Theorem 3.9. Assume that ^ is cocompact. 

Then, for any ^' G Opp(^), the factor Y in (3.ii) is canonicallly isometrically identified 
with X^ under the map X — t- X^. Thus, there is a canonical isometric identification 
P(^,^') = R X X^ which is Is{X)^^^' -equivariant, the space R x X^ being endowed with 
the horoaction. 

Proof. Let tq: R — )■ X be a geodesic line with ro(— oo) = ^' and ro(+oo) = ^. Since S, 
is cocompact, there is a sequence {gn} in Is(X)g such that d((7„.ro(0),ro(— n)) remains 
bounded. By convexity, g-nifoin)) remains bounded in X and therefore we are in par- 
ticular in the situation of the proof of Proposition 3.7. We thus obtain an isometric 

R X X^ — > P{^, ^') = R X y C X 

preserving the product decomposition, yielding in particular a (non-canonical) isometric 
embedding l : X^ — )• Y. On the other hand, the restriction of X — t- X^ to P{(,, ^') induces 
a canonical isometric map -d: Y ^ X^ by the definition of X^ . Now t? o /, is an isometric 
self-map of the space X^ which is cocompact by Proposition 3.3(v). It follows that this 
self-map is onto (Proposition 4.5 in [CSll]) and thus t? is onto too. 


The action of Is(X)^^^/ preserves the decomposition (3.ii) by construction and thus 
is a product action, see [BH99, 1.5.3(4)]. The formula with I3^{g) follows by direct 
computation. D 

The cocompactness of S, does not imply the cocompactness of its opposites (as il- 
lustrated by Heintze manifolds [Hci74]). Nevertheless, these opposites still enjoy the 
conclusions of Theorem 3.9. To make this statement precise, observe that the canonical 
isometry P{^,S,') = R x X^ induces a canonical isometric embedding X^ — )• X^i. 

Proposition 3.10. Let S,' be any point opposite a coconipact point ^. Then the canonical 
isometric embedding X^ — )■ X^i is an isometry. In particular, P{S,, ^') = H x X^i and 
this identification is compatible with the horoaction uj^i ofls{X)^^^i. 

Proof. Keep the notation of the proof of Theorem 3.9 and consider the ray r^ : R''" — )■ X 
defined by r^it) = ro(— t). Observe that the sequence {ff^^} is as required in the proof of 
Proposition 3.7 with ^' instead of ^. We thus obtain an isometric embedding HxX^i — t- X 
such that one endpoint of the R- factor is ^; we denote the opposite endpoint by ^" . We 
therefore have an isometric embedding of R x X^' — t- X into P{£,",(,) = R x Z (for 
some Z) preserving the product structures. Moreover, Theorem 3.9 provided canonical 

PiC',0 = P{e,0 = Rxx^ 

preserving the product structures. At this point we have mutual isometric embeddings 
of R X X^' and R x X^ into each other and conclude as in the proof of Theorem 3.9 
since R x X^ is cocompact by Proposition 3.3(v). D 

Remark 3.11. It follows from Theorem 3.9 and Proposition 3.10 that if ^ G dX is a 
cocompact point, or if it is opposite a cocompact point, then the (non-Hausdorff ) space 
X^ is already complete and the map X — )• X^ is onto. 

3.C. Existence of a 'Levi decomposition'. The following result will be our tool to 
investigate large stabilisers of points at infinity. Incidentally, it refines Proposition 7.1 
in [CM09b] which stated that if G^ acts cocompactly on X, then it acts transitively on 


Theorem 3.12. Let G < Is(X) be a closed subgroup and assume G^ acts cocompactly 
on X . Let N < G^ be a subgroup that is normalised by some radial sequence {hn} in G^ 
for ^. Let ^' G dX be a limit point of {hn}; hence ^' G Opp(^). 

Then, writing N^ = A^nKer(a;^) where uj^ is the horoaction, we have a decomposition 

N = Ni.,- N"" 

which is almost semi-direct in the sense that N^'CiN'^ has compact closure. In particular 
N^ acts transitively on the N -orbit of ^' in Opp(^). 

The theorem applies in particular when A^ is a normal subgroup of G^. In that case, 
the above decomposition hold for any ^' G Opp(^) since G^ acts transitively on Opp(^) 
by Proposition 7. 1 in [CM09b] . Thus we obtain Theorem J as the case N = G^, recalling 
Remark 3.2 for the notation G^. 

We shall carry out the first part of the argument in a more general setting: for the 
time being, we only assume that ^ is a radial limit point of G. 


Let ro be a ray pointing to ^ and {g-n} be any radial sequence as in Definition 3.5. 
At this point there is no additional restriction on {gn}, though for Theorem 3.12 we 
will later choose gn = h^- As in the proof of Proposition 3.7, we have (upon passing to 
subsequences) a sequence of numbers in > such that the sequence of maps 

[-t„,00) > X, t\ > gn{rQ{t + tn)) 

converges to a geodesic line u: R — ?• X uniformly on bounded intervals. In particular, 
gni converges to the point rj := a{co) and gn^oiO) to rj' := (t(— oo). We denote by 
/: R X X^ —7- X the isometric embedding constructed in Proposition 3.7 and observe 
that / ranges in P(r/, r]') by construction. 

A convexity argument shows that the sequence Ad{gn){g) = gnggn^ remains bounded 
in G whenever g G G^. Therefore, we can chose a map g: G^ — t- G that is a (point- wise) 
cluster point of the sequence Ad((7„)|G . By construction, ^ is a group homomorphism; 
it need not be continuous, see Example 3.14 below. 

Proposition 3.13. In the above setting, the following hold. 

(i) q{G^) C Gr,,r,', 

(ii) Ker(^) C Ker(a;,y o ^) C Ker(a;^), 

(Hi) PrjO Q = (3^, 

(iv) The isometric embedding /: R x X^ — )• P{ri,rj') is g-equivariant for G^. 

Proof. Points (i) and (iv) follow from the construction of g and /. Likewise for point (iii), 
using that the pointwise convergence on Busemann functions corresponds to the cone 
topology on the boundary. 

Turning to (ii), let g £ G^ he an element acting non-trivially on X^. Then there is 
a ray n asymptotic to tq and e > such that d{gri{t),ri{,s)) > e for all s,t > 0. This 
implies that g{g) moves a line parallel to cr(R) by at least e. Thus uj^{g(g)) ^ 1, which 
shows that Ker(Li;^o^) acts trivially on the transverse space X^. Together with (iii), this 
establishes the non-trivial inclusion of (ii). D 

Proof of Theorem 3.12. We now assume that G^ is cocompact and consider the radial 
sequence {hn] in G^ given by hypothesis. We first observe that the image of {/in} in 
Is(Xj) is bounded and hence we can assume that it converges to some a € Is(Xg). We 
now specialise the above discussion to the case gn = /in.. In particular, r/ = ^ and V = C- 
The sequence Ad(a;g(/in)) converges to Id x Ad(a) as automorphisms of Is(R x X^) 
and hence the diagram 

G, >G. 


C ^ "-^5,?' 


Is(R X X.) V Is(R X X.) 

^ '^' IdxAd(a) ^ '^' 

is commutative. Since each h^ normalises A^, the automorphism Id x Ad(Q;) preserves 
ixi^{N). We deduce that u)^{N) = uji:{g{N)) C uj^{N^i) and therefore uj^{N) = u}^{N^'). 
It follows that we have 

A = A^/-Ker(a;5|7v). 
This provides the desired decomposition of N. 


For the compactness statement about N^' n N'^, we claim that this intersection acts 
trivially on P{S,, S,')- Indeed, N^' preserves P{S,, S,') and the horoaction of A^" on R x X^ 
is trivial; therefore, the claim follows from Theorem 3.9. D 

Proof of Proposition K. Pick pQ G P{^, ^') and let i? > be such that X = G^.B{po, R). 
Given p G P{^,^'), there is (7 G G^ such that d{g.p,po) < R. By Proposition 7.1 
in [C'MOOl)], G^ acts transitively on Opp(^); therefore, the decomposition of Theo- 
rem 3.12 applied to N = G^^ shows that G^ = G n Ker(a;^) also acts transitively. Thus 
there exists k G Gc be such that kg.^' = S,'; in particular we have kg G G^^^'. Since both 
Po and kg.p belong to P{S,,S,'), we deduce from Theorem 3.9 that 

d{po, = {bi:{po) -b^{kg.p))^ + d{TT^{kg.x),7r^{po)f 

= ikiPo) - kia-V)? + d{-ni.{g.x),T:i:{pQ)f 

< d{g.x,po)'^ + d{g.x,pof 

< 2R^, 

where tt^ denotes the Gg action on X^. Thus we have -P(^, $,') ^ G^^^'.B{pQ, v2-R), which 
confirms that Gg^^' acts cocompactly on P(^,^'). The additional statements now follow 
by applying Theorem 3.9. D 

The following example shows that g need not be continuous. 

Example 3.14. Consider the simplicial line L whose vertex set {vn)nez is linearly ordered 
by the integers. Let T be the tree obtained by adding to L a collection of vertices of 
valency one, say {v!^,v!^ : n G Z}, where v'^ and f^ are declared adjacent to u„. We 
view T as a metric tree with all edges of length one. Thus T is a CAT(O) space with 
two endpoints, say ^ and ^'. The isometry group G = Is(r) acts cocompactly. Let 
t G G be the translation defined by t: (u„,u(j,f^) 1— > {vn-iiv'n-i^v'^-i) for all n. We 
have G^ = G^^^i = (Wz Z/2) x Z, where the cyclic factor Z is the group generated by t. 
Let now g: G^ — t- G be a limit point of the sequence Adt^jc . We claim that g is not 

Indeed, let /„ G G be defined by 

{vm.v'm^v'^) if m<n 
{vm,v'^,v'^) if m>n 

and set /oo : {vm,v!^,v'^) 1— )■ {vm,v'^,v!^) for all m. Then lim^i /„ = Id. On the other 
hand, for all n and we have limfc t^fnt~^ = /oo so that p{fn) = /oo 7^ Id. In particular g 
is discontinuous at the identity. 

Notice however that, although g is not continuous, the composite map a;^ o ^ is al- 
ways continuous, in view of the commutative diagram from the proof of Theorem 3.12, 
recalling that the horoaction is continuous by Proposition 3.3(ii). 

3.D. Iterations and the refined bordification. The concept of transverse space sug- 
gests iterative constructions; this is formalised in the following definition. 

Definition 3.15. A refining sequence for the CAT(O) space X is a sequence (^1, . . . , ^i^) 
with A; > 0, ^1 G dX and ^i+i G (?X^^ .,.^^. for i > 1 (/c = corresponds to the empty 
sequence). The refined bordification of X is the set of refined points (^1, . . . , i^^; x), 
wherein (Ci, . . . ,Cfc) is a refining sequence and x G X^^^...^^^.. Thus, A; = corresponds 


simply to a point x G X. We call k the depth of the refined point. The depth of the 
space X is the supremum of the depths of its refined points. (A characterisation of the 
depth of cocompact spaces will be given in Corollary 3.20 below.) 

Thus the space X is contained in the refined bordification, while dX is a quotient of 

Our next goal is to iterate the constructions described in the previous sections in 
order to lift transverse spaces of depth > 1 in an equivariant way with respect to their 
stabilisers. Given a refining sequence (^i, . . . ,^fc), we endow the space 

R' X ^5i,...,C. 

with the refined horoaction (of depth k) of Is(X)g^^...^^j., which is the product of the 
canonical action on X^^ ,,,^^^ and the translation action on R'^ provided by the product 
/5g^ X • • • X /3^^ of the Busemann characters. 

The case A; = 1 in the following result is covered by Propositions 3.7 and 3.13. 

Proposition 3.16. Let X be a proper CAT(O) space and G < Is(X) be a closed sub- 
group acting cocompactly. For every refining sequence (Ci; • • • iCfc)? there is an isomet- 
ric embedding f: R'^ x Xg^.^^^j, — >• X and a (possibly discontinuous) homomorphism 
q: G^i,...,^fe — )• G such that f is g- equivariant for G^i,...,^;, 


Proof. We shall construct inductively for < i < A; an isometric embedding 

and a homomorphism 

such that /(*' is ^^^^ -equivariant for G^^^,,,^^. . The final step i = k will yield a map 
/ = / and a homomorphism g = g^ ' enjoying the requested properties. 

We start with /(°) = Id: X — )• X and g^^^ = Id: G ^ G. For the inductive step, we 
now let i > 0. 

Viewing X^i,...,^i_j as a subspace of R*""'^ x X^i,...,^;.^, we may view £^i as a point of 
(9(R*~^ X X^^^ ^^,_^). It therefore makes sense to consider the image f^^~^'{Ci), which 
we denote by ^^ E dX. In particular we obtain an induced isometric embedding 

R''~^ X Xg^,,,,,^, -^ X^:^, 

which we also denote by Z'*"^-*. The induction hypothesis ensures that the isometric 

Id X /(*-^) : R X R'^^ X X^^,...,^^ ^ R x X^/ 

is f)(*~^)-equivariant for G^j^...^^. (where the domain R x R'^-*^ x X^^^,,,^^, is endowed with 
the refined horoaction of depth i of the stabiliser G^^^...^^.). 

Since G is cocompact, we can choose a sequence of isometrics {gn }n in G that is 
radial for ^.•. Propositions 3.7 and 3.13 then yield an isometric embedding 

/(') : R X Xw ^ X 


and a honiomorphism 

such that /(^^ is o(^)-equivariant for Gt/. We then set 

f{i) ^ f{i) o (Id X /(*-^)) : R X R*-i X X^,,,,,,^. ^ X 

Since Id x /^*~^' was shown to be ^'^*~^'-equivariant for G^^^...^^. , it follows that f^^' is 
f3^*^-equivariant, which completes the induction step. D 

Remark 3.17. We record for later references that the homomorphisni g is constructed 
as a composed map g = g^ ' o • • • o g^^' , where each g^'^' is constructed as a pointwise 
limit, on its domain of definition, of a sequence of inner automorphisms of G. 

The latter remark combines with the following elementary fact. 

Lemma 3.18. Let G be a second countable locally compact group, HOG any sub- 
group and gi, ■ ■ ■ , gk o sequence of (possibly discontinuous) group homomorphisms with 
gi: H ^ G and ^j+i : Im(gj) — )• G. 

// each gi is a pointwise limit, on its domain of definition, of a sequence of inner 
automorphisms of G, then so is the composed map g = gk° ' ' ■ ° Qi- H ^ G. 

Proof. It suffices to prove the statement for k = 2; the general case follows by induction. 
Let thus -F be a finite subset of H and U be an open neighbourhood of g2{H) in G. There 
is a G Inn(G) such that a{gi{F)) C U. Since a is continuous, there is a neighbourhood 
V of gi{F) in G such that a{V) C U. Let /3 G Inn(G) be such that /3(F) C V. Then 
C(/3{F) C U. Notice moreover that the inner automorphisms a and /3 can be chosen 
in some fixed countable dense subgroup of G, which exists since G is assumed second 

Repeating the argument for arbitrarily small neighbourhoods U of g2{H) and arbi- 
trarily large finite subsets F C H, we get a net of inner automorphisms of G of the form 
{af3}u,F, whose restrictions of H have the composed homomorphism g = g2 o gi as a 
limit point. By construction each element of the net belongs to a common countable 
subgroup of G; therefore the above net is actually a sequence. D 

Corollary 3.19. The homomorphism g: H ^ G provided by Proposition 3.16 is a 
pointwise limit of a sequence of inner automorphisms of G. 

Proof. Immediate from Remark 3.17 and Lemma 3.18, recalling that G is second count- 
able because X is proper. D 

We warn the reader that, although ^ is a pointwise limit of a sequence (an)n>o of inner 
automorphisms of G, this does however not imply that (an)n>o admits a subsequence 
whose restriction to H converges pointwise to g (this reflects the fact that an uncountable 
product of metrizable topological spaces need not be first countable). However, there 
does exist such a subsequence in case the subgroup H is countable. 

The flat rank of a CAT(O) space is the supremum of the dimensions of its isometrically 
embedded Euclidean subspaces. By Theorem C in [KIc99], the flat rank of a cocompact 


proper CAT(O) space X is given by 1 + dim(3X), where dX is endowed with the Tits 
metric and dim is the supremum of the topological dimensions of compact subsets. 
Proposition 3.7 leads to an additional characterisation: 

Corollary 3.20. Let X be a cocompact proper CAT(O) space. Then the depth of X 
coincides with its flat rank. 

In fact, we have dim(9X^j^...^^^) < dini{dX) — k for every refining sequence {^i, . . . ,£,k)- 

Proof. The embedding R'^ x X^^^ ,c^ — ;• X from Proposition 3.16 indeed yields the 
inequality dim(5Xj^^,,,^^^) < dim((9X) — k. Taking a refined point of maximal depth, we 
deduce in particular that the flat rank of X is at least its depth. On the other hand, 
it follows readily from the definitions that the flat rank of any CAT(O) space is a lower 
bound for its depth. D 


4. A. Compactible subgroups. Let G be a locally compact group. We propose the 
following generalization of the concept of contractihle groups introduced by P. Miiller- 
Romer [MR76]. 

A (not necessarily closed) subgroup A < G is a compactible subgroup with limit 
K \i K < G \s a compact subgroup such that for every neighbourhood U oi K \a G and 
every finite set F C A there is a G Aut(G) such that a{F) C U . (We write Aut(G) for 
the group of continuous automorphisms of G.) 

A sequence {«„} in Aut(G) such that an{o) — ^ K for all a € A will be called a com- 
pacting sequence, and we also call a sequence {gn} in G compacting if the sequence 
of inner automorphisms Ad(g'„,) is compacting. 

The main difference with the notion of compaction groups from [CCMTll] is that we 
deform A within the ambient group G rather than only within itself. 

Proposition 4.1. If A < G is closed and compactible, then it is amenable. 

Proof. By a result of Reiter's (Proposition 1 of §3 in [RciTl]), it suffices to prove the 
following: for every finite set S (^ A there are non- negative ip G L^{G) of integral one 
with II S99 — c^lli arbitrarily small for all s G S". 

Let thus S be given. Let tf; be some left i('- invariant non-negative ip G L^{G) of 
integral one. By continuity of the G-representation on L^{G), there is a neighbourhood 
V of the identity in G such that \\v^lJ — "^lli is as small as desired for all f G V. By 
assumption there is a G Aut(G) such that a{S) C VK. Let Acict) be the modulus of a 
(VII §1 No 4 in [B0T1O4]); then (p = AG{oi)ip o a has the required property. D 

The algebraic structure of a compactible subgroup can in fact be described more 
precisely using the following observation combined with Theorem 2.1. 

Proposition 4.2. Let G be a locally compact group and A < G be a compactible sub- 
group. Let Y = A- G°. 

Then Y/Y° is locally elliptic. 

Proof. Since Y° = G°, there is no loss of generality in assuming that G is totally dis- 


Recall that every compact subgroup of a totally disconnected locally compact group 
is contained in a compact open subgroup (see Lemma 3.1 from [Cap09]). It follows that 
every finite set of elements in A is contained in some compact subgroup of G. Thus A 
is locally elliptic. Hence so is its closure A by Lemma 2.1 from [Cap(J9]. D 

Corollary 4.3. Let G be a locally compact group and A < G be a closed compactible 

Then A° Rad^^(A) is open in A and the discrete quotient A/{A° Rady^{A)) is virtu- 
ally soluble. 

Proof. Let y = ^ • G°. Thus Y/Y° is locally elliptic by Proposition 4.2. Let 


be the canonical projection. By Theorem 2.1, the quotient Y/'Rad^g-{Y) is a Lie group 
whose group of components is virtually soluble. Moreover A, and hence also A/A°, is 
amenable by Proposition 4.1. Therefore 7r{A) is a Lie group and Tr{A)/TT{A)° is virtually 
soluble by Proposition 2.2. 

Since A n Ker(7r) is contained in Rad_sf^(^), we infer that A/ Rad_^^{A) is a quotient 
of tt{A), and is thus itself a Lie group whose group of components is virtually soluble. 
From Lemma 2.5, it follows that A° Radj^g{A) / Rad^^{A) = (^/Rad^^(A))°. Therefore 
A/A° Rady^{A) is discrete and virtually soluble, as desired. D 

4.B. Compactible subgroups and the refined bordification. Given a refined point 
{^i, . . . ,^k]x), all the Busemann characters /3^. are well-defined on the iterated stabiliser 
^Civ,Cfe ^^^ hence also on G^i,...,5fc;x- 

Proposition 4.4. Let X be a proper CAT(O) space and G < Is(X) be a closed subgroup 
acting cocompactly. For any refined point (^i, . . . ,^fc;x), there is a sequence in G which 
is compacting for the stabiliser Ggi,...,^^.;^ n (nj"=i Ker /3^J . 

This strengthens a statement for totally disconnected groups contained in Proposi- 
tion 4.5(iii) in [Cap09]. 

Proof. The group G^j^^,,,^^i^-x^{r\i=i ^^^ /^cJ i^ ^ point stabiliser for the refined horoaction 
of G'gi,...,5j. on R'^ X Xg^^ ^g^. Let f-.R'^x X^^^ ^g^. — > X and g: G^^^..^^^. — ^ G be the 
maps provided by Proposition 3.16. The ^-equivariance of / implies that £'(G'^i,...,5j.;x) 
fixes the point f{x) G X, and is thus relatively compact in G. By Corollary 3.19, the 
homomorphism g is a pointwise limit of some sequence {Ad gn) of inner automorphisms 
of G. Since g{G^^^,,,,^i^-x) is contained in the compact group Gft^^)^ it follows that {Adgn) 
is a compacting sequence for G^i,...,^;,;^- D 

Corollary 4.5. Let G be a locally compact group acting continuously, properly and 
cocompactly by isometrics on X . Then the stabiliser of every point in the refined bordi- 
fication is amenable. 

Proof. Immediate from Propositions 4.1 and 4.4. D 


4.C. Unimodular groups do not fix points at infinity. We begin with a general 
restriction for compactible subgroups in unimodular groups. 

Proposition 4.6. Let G be a unimodular locally compact group, H < G a closed sub- 
group and {gn.jneN a compacting sequence for H in G. 

If {gnddn^} remains bounded for each g £ G, then H is compact. 

Proof. Let K < G he a, compact subgroup with g-ahgn^ — )• K for all h £ H. Let further 
[/ C G be any non-empty relatively compact open set. We claim that the union of all 
g-nUgn^ is relatively compact. 

For this claim there is no loss of generality in assuming G to be a-compact. For each 
compact set C C G, let Uc = U nf]^g~^Ggn- As G ranges over a countable exhaustion 
of G, the sets Uc form a cover of U by sets closed in U. Therefore, Baire's theorem 
implies that there is some compact G such that Uc has non-empty interior. Since U has 
compact closure, we can find a finite set F (^ G such that the set UcF covers U . Since 
the union of all gnFg~^ is relatively compact, the claim follows. 

We thus have a compact set Q ^ G containing all gnUg~^. Fix any compact neigh- 
bourhood (S* of X in G. Let p be an integer such that p\U\ > \QS\, where | • | denotes 
a Haar measure on G. If, towards a contradiction, H is non-compact, then we can find 
hi,...,hp G H such that all Uhi are disjoint. However, when n is large enough, all 
gnUhig^^ lie in QS, which is impossible by comparing the measures. D 

Proof of Theorem, M. Let ^ S dX be a point fixed by the unimodular group G. By [CM09b, 
Prop. 7.1] the set Opp(^) is non-empty. Let ^' S Opp(^). Theorem J yields a decompo- 

where Gc = Ker(a;^) is the kernel of the horoaction. Any radial sequence {gn} for S, 
is compacting for G^ (this is in fact a very basic case of Proposition 4.4). Moreover, 
gnggn^ remains bounded for all g vn G = G^, as observed in Section 3.C. Therefore, 
Proposition 4.6 implies that G^ is compact. However, a compact normal subgroup of 
a group acting minimally must be trivial. We deduce that G = G^,^'; in particular, 
G preserves P{^,^') which is thus equal to X. In conclusion, X admits a product 
decomposition X = R x X^ such that the pair {^, ^'} corresponds to the boundary of 
the line-factor. In particular every point ^ G dX fixed by G lies on the boundary of the 
Euclidean de Rham factor of X, as desired. D 

Proof of Theorem L. Since Is(X) admits a lattice, it is unimodular. Therefore Theo- 
rem M implies that Is(X) does not have a fixed point in dX. Now the "geometric Borel 
density" established in Theorem 1.1 of [CM09a] yields the conclusion. D 

5. Amenable isometry groups 

La methode de cet artificieux Bouillon, c 'est [. . . ] de rester, en fin de 
conipte, le moyenneur des situations. 

Charles-Augustin Saintc-Bcuvc, Causeries du lundi, tome 12, 1856 


5. A. Refined fiats. We define a refined fiat of depth A; in X to be a flat contained 
in a space of the form X^^ ,,,^gj,, where (^i, . . . ,^k) is a refining sequence. Thus a flat of 
depth is a flat in X. 

A key ingredient needed in the proof of Theorem A is the theorem by Adams-Ballmann 
from [AB9.S]. We shall use the following formulation of their result. 

Proposition 5.1 (Adams-Ballmann). Let X be a proper CAT(O) space of finite depth 
(e.g. cocompact, see Proposition 3.3(iv)). 

Every amenable group acting continuously by isometrics on X stabilises a refined flat. 

Proof. Follows from a repeated application of the Adams-Ballmann theorem [AB98]; the 
hypothesis that the depth is flnite guarantees that the process terminates after flnitely 
many steps. D 

Before proceeding to the proof of Theorem A, we shall undertake to prove Theorem F, 
providing a converse to Proposition 5.1 and thus establishing Corollary G. We point out 
that Theorem F is not a direct consequence of the amenability of the kernel of the reflned 
horoaction, because the image of a (reflned) flat stabiliser in the isometry group of that 
flat need not be closed, see Remark 3.4. Therefore, we flrst need to record a consequence 
of a theorem by Kazhdan-Margulis (see Theorem 8.16 from [Rag72]). 

To this end, we recall that the space of all closed subgroups of a locally compact 
group G is compact when endowed with the Chabauty topology [Cha50]. Moreover the 
Chabauty space of closed subgroups is metrisable provided G is second countable; this 
happens e.g. when G is a closed subgroup of Is(X), where X is a proper metric space. 

Proposition 5.2. Let G he a locally compact group whose identity com,ponent G° has 
no non-trivial compact normal subgroup. Let {Tj)j^j be a net of discrete free subgroups 
converging in the Chabauty topology to a closed subgroup L <^ G. 
Then the neutral component L° is an ahelian Lie group. 

Proof. By van Dantzig's theorem [vD31, page 18], the group G has an open subgroup 
O (thus containing G°) such that O /G° is compact. By Yamabe's theorem Rad_5f^(0) 
is compact and G° is a Lie group. Moreover Theorem 2.1 implies that Rad_5f^(0)G° = 
Rad_5f^(0) X G° is open in O. Upon replacing O by that subgroup, we shall assume 
henceforth that O is a direct product of a connected Lie group and a compact (proflnite) 

Since O is open, we have LCiO = limj(rj n O). Since the desired conclusion concerns 
the group L° <^ G° 'Z Q, there is therefore no loss of generality in assume that all the 
subgroups Tj are contained in O or, equivalently, that G = O. Then G = K x G°, where 
K = Rad_^^(G) is compact and the identity component G° is a Lie group. Since G° is 
a Lie group, so is L°. 

Let vr: G — )■ G° be the canonical projection, which is proper since K is compact. Thus 
7r(rj) is a discrete free group for all j. Let U be an open relatively compact identity 
neighbourhood of the connected Lie group G° as provided by the Kazhdan-Margulis 
theorem (see Theorem 8.16 from [Rag72]). Since L° C G°, we have 

L° = tt{L°) = {Ur\ 7r(L°)) C ([/ n 7r(L)) C lim{U H TriTj)). 



The Kazhdan-Margulis Theorem ensures that {U rnriTj)) is nilpotent, hence cychc, for 
all j. Since a limit of abelian subgroups is abelian, it follows that L° is abelian. D 

We shall also need an elementary general fact related to Lemma 2.5 above: 

Lemma 5.3. Let N be a closed normal subgroup of a locally compact group H . Then 
the image of H° in H/N is dense in {H/N)°. In particular, if N is compact, then we 
obtain an identification H°/{H° n iV) = {H/N)°. 

This statement fails for general topological groups; recall for instance that R is the 
quotient of a totally disconnected group (see Exercice 17 for III §2 in [Bou60]). 

Proof of the lemma. The image of H° in H/N lies in {H/N)°; denote its closure by 
L. Now {H/N)° /L is a connected group contained in {H/N)/L. Writing the latter 
as H/H°N, we see that it is a quotient of the totally disconnected group H/H° . For 
locally compact groups, total disconnectedness passes to quotients (by van Dantzig's 
theorem [vD31, page 18]). Thus {H / N)° / L is also totally disconnected, hence trivial as 
claimed. The additional statement for N compact follows from the properness of the 
map H -^ H/N. D 

Here is a last preparation for the proof of Theorem F. 

Lemma 5.4. Let G be a group acting isometrically on a complete CAT(O) space X and 
let Y C X be a G-invariant closed convex subspace of finite coradius in X. If G preserves 
a refined flat of X, then it also preserves a refined flat (of the same dimension) ofY. 

Proof. The statement is formulated in such a way that it passes to transverse spaces, 
since dX = dV and since there is a canonical isometric map of finite coradius 1^ — )• X^ 
for all S, G dX. Therefore, it suffices to deal with the case of depth zero, i.e. a G-invariant 
flat F C. X. Since the projection vr: X — )■ y is G-equivariant, it is enough to show that 
vr is isometric on F. The function x i— )• d{x, Y) is convex and bounded, therefore it is 
constant on F. Denote this constant by D. We claim that Tr{F) is convex; this claim 
will finish the proof because the function y i— )• d{y, F) is constant on it{F) and therefore 
the sandwich lemma [BH99, II. 2. 12] will apply. 

Let thus x,x' £ F and let y be any point on the segment [7r(x), 7r(x')]. By convexity of 
the metric, the distance between y and the corresponding point z on the segment [x, x'] 
(for simultaneous affine parametrisations) is at most D. However, y is in y and z is in 
F. By uniqueness of the projection, we deduce y = tt{z) and the claim is proved. D 

Proof of Theorem F. Suppose for a contradiction that H < G := Is(X) is a non- 
amenable closed subgroup which stabilises a refined fiat F C X^^^,.,^^^. Upon replacing X 
by a minimal non-empty G-invariant closed convex subset, we may assume that G acts 
minimally. Indeed, Lemma 5.4 ensures that H still preserves a refined fiat (still denoted 
by F as above) and the restriction homomorphism to the isometries of the minimal 
subset has compact kernel. This reduction ensures that G has no non-trivial compact 
normal subgroup, and hence the unique maximal compact normal subgroup Rad_sf^(G°) 
of G° is trivial. 

Notice that Hn [ ni=i Ker(/3g,)) is closed and co-amenable in H. Therefore it is non- 
amenable, and upon replacing H by that intersection, we may assume that H annihilates 
each Busemann character /3^. . 


Let A^ be the pointwise stabiliser of F in H. Thus N is amenable by Corollary 4.5, 
so that the quotient H/N endowed with the quotient topology is non-amenable. The 
iJ-action on F induces a continuous embedding vr: H/N — t- Is(-F). Since Is(-F) is a Lie 
group, so is H/N by Proposition 2.2(i). Moreover, since Is(F) is amenable, the neutral 
component [H/N)° must be amenable as well, since non-amenable connected Lie groups 
cannot be continuously embedded in amenable Lie groups (this follows e.g. from the 
fact that any non-trivial continuous homomorphism of a simple Lie group is proper, 
see [BM96, Lemma 5.3] or [dC'09]). Therefore the group of components {H/N)/{H/N)° 
is non-amenable, and hence contains a non-abelian free subgroup by Proposition 2.2(ii). 

Denoting by H^ the preimage of {H/N)° in H, we infer that H^ is an open normal 
amenable subgroup of H, and that the quotient H/H^ contains a non-abelian free sub- 
group. Let now a,b £ H he elements which freely generate a non-abelian free subgroup 
modulo H^. Then (a, 6) n H^ is trivial, since otherwise there would be a word in the 
generators a,b which gets killed in the quotient H/H^, contradicting the presupposed 
freeness. It follows that P = (a, b) is a discrete non-abelian free subgroup of H, hence 
of G, which stabilises the refined flat F C X^^^...^^^,, acts faithfully on F, and annihilates 
each Busemann character /3^. . 

Let /: R^ x X^-^ ,,^gj, — )• X and ^: P — )• G be the maps provided by Proposition 3.16. 
Thus F' = /(R X F) is a flat in X. Moreover, the equivariance afforded by Proposi- 
tion 3.16 ensures that the map g is injective and that its image ^(P) stabilises F' . 

By assumption the image of P in the Lie group Is(F) is non-discrete. In particular 
the closure of its image has a non-trivial identity component. Consequently the closure 
of the image of ^(P) in Is(F') has a non-trivial identity component. 

Let K be the pointwise stabiliser of F' in G. Thus K is compact, and it follows from 
Lemma 5.3 that ^(P) has a non-trivial image in ls{F'). Moreover Proposition 2.2(i) 
implies that ^(P) is open in ^(P). 

By Corollary 3.19, the homomorphism ^: P — )■ G is a pointwise limit of a sequence 
(an)n>o of inner automorphisms of G. Since P is countable, we may assume, upon 
extracting, that the sequence of restrictions (an|r)n converges pointwise to g. Up to a 
further extraction, we may also assume that the sequence of conjugates an(r) converges 
in the Chabauty topology to some closed subgroup L. It then follows that g{T), and 
hence also the closure g{T), is contained in L. 

By Proposition 5.2 the identity component L° is an abelian Lie group. Thus ^(P) is 
an abelian open normal subgroup of g{T). Therefore ^(P) n ^(P) is an abelian normal 
subgroup of ^(P) which is dense in g{T) . By construction g{T) is a non-abelian free 
group, and has thus no non-trivial abelian normal subgroup. Consequently ^(P) n ^(P) 
is trivial, and so is g{T) . This contradicts the fact that ^(P) has a non-trivial image 
in Is(F'). □ 

5.B. Structure of amenable closed subgroups. We finally record the following clas- 
sical characterisation of amenability for connected locally compact groups: 

Proposition 5.5. A connected locally compact group is amenable if and only if it is 
{connected soluble} -by- compact. 


Proof. Let G be a connected locally compact group. By the solution of Hilbert's fifth 
problem [MZ55, 4.6], G is compact-by-Lie. Furstenberg has shown that a connected 
Lie group is amenable if and only if it is {connected soluble}-by-compact [Fur63, Theo- 
rem 1.7]. Finally, Iwasawa has shown that the class of {connected soluble}-by-compact 
I.e. groups is closed under extensions [Iwa49, Theorem 18]. D 

Proof of Theorem A. The 'if part is clear. Conversely, let H < Is(X) be a closed 
amenable subgroup. Then H° is soluble- by-compact in view of Proposition 5.5 and 
hence (1) holds. 

By Proposition 5.1, we find an if -invariant refined flat F C X^^^ ,c^ of depth k. In 
particular we have a continuous homomorphism 

ip: H ^Is{F) ^R" >sO{n), 

where n = dimF. We endow the image fiH) with the quotient topology from H. By 
Proposition 2.2, the amenable locally compact group ^{H) is a Lie group and its group of 
components (p{H)/ip{H)° is virtually soluble. By Lemma 2.5, we have (p{H°) = ip{H)°. 
Thus the normal subgroup K = H° ■ Ker{ip) is open in H and the quotient H/K = 
ip{H) / (p{H)° is virtually soluble. 

The kernel A = Ker((/9) fixes F pointwise, and is thus compactible by Proposition 4.4. 
Therefore A° Rad_^^(A) is open in A and the quotient A/A° Rad_^^(A) is virtually soluble 
by Proposition 4.2. In particular the group 

H° ■ A° Rad^^(A) = H° Rad^^(yl) 

is open m. K = H° ■ A, hence in H. Since Rad_5f^(A) is characteristic in A, we have 
Rad_2'^(A) < Radyg{H), and we infer that H°Rad^s'{H) is open in H, which proves 
assertion (2). 

For (3), recall from the above that H/K and A/A°Ra,d_^g{A) are both virtually 
soluble. Therefore, so is H°A/H°Radj^s{A) = K / H° R&dses{A) . Virtual solubility 
being stable under group extensions, we infer that if /if ° Rad_5f^(A) , and (3) follows 
since Rad^#(A) < Rad^^(if ). D 

The following lemma is well-known; a proof can be found in [dlHRV94, Proposition 4]. 

Lemma 5.6. A homomorphic image of a finitely generated group in any compact group 
is residually finite (thus the same holds for its image in a locally elliptic group). D 

Proof of Corollary B. Let X be a cocompact proper CAT(O) space with an isometric 
F-action and let if be the closure of the image of F in Is(X). The image of F in 
if/(if° Rad_^^( if)) is trivial since this quotient is virtually soluble by Theorem A; thus 
if = if° Rad_5fcf(-ff)- Since if° is soluble- by-compact by Theorem A, we deduce from 
Lemma 5.6 that the image of F in if / Radjf^( if ) is soluble and hence trivial. It follows 
if = Rad_5f^( if), but this implies that if is compact since F is finitely generated; we 
finally conclude that H is trivial by applying again the residual finiteness argument. D 

We now turn to Corollary H and refer to [CFP96] for an introduction to Thompson's 
groups F, T and V . Since T and V are simple and contain F, it suffices to produce 
a non-trivial kernel in F to ensure that the entire T- or ^/-action be trivial. Thus the 
following statement implies Corollary H. 


Corollary 5.7. Any isometric action of Thompson's group F on any proper cocompact 
CAT(O) space factors through the abelianisation F — t- F/[F,F] = T? . 

Proof. Let X be any proper cocompact CAT(O) space and assume that F acts isomet- 
rically on X; let vr: F — )• Is(X) be the associated group homomorphism. According to 
Corohary 2.3 of [CM09a], the group F fixes a point in the compactification X' whenever 
it acts isometrically on any proper CAT(O) space X' . Thus in particular it satisfies the 
conclusion of the Adams-Ballmann theorem and therefore we can deduce as in Proposi- 
tion 5.1 that F preserves a refined fiat (in fact a refined point) for X. Now Theorem F 
implies that the closure H < Is(X) of tt{F) is amenable; we can therefore apply Theo- 
rem A. Recalling that the derived subgroup [F, F] is simple, we deduce that vr([F, F]) lies 
in H° Rad_2'^(-ff). Recall next that [F, F] contains many isomorphic copies of -F; we chose 
one such subgroup Fi = F in [F,F]. By Lemma 5.6, the homomorphism from Fi to 
(^H° R&d^g{H)) / H° must annihilate [Fi,Fi] since the latter is simple. Thus 7r([Fi,Fi]) 
is contained in the soluble- by-compact group H°. Choosing once again an isomorphic 
copy F2 = F in [Fi, Fi], one more application of Lemma 5.6 shows that 7r([F2, i<2]) lies i 
n the soluble radical of H°. This shows that tt{[F2, F2]) is trivial since [i^2) -^2] is simple 
(non-abelian) . We have established that vr has a non-trivial kernel; this implies that vr 
is trivial on all of [F, F] since that group is simple. D 

The strategy of the above proof is the following: (i) prove a refined fixed point (or fiat) 
property for a subgroup (not necessarily involving amenability); (ii) apply Theorem F 
to deduce that its closure in Is(X) is amenable; (iii) play off the structure provided by 
Theorem A against the structure of the given group. 

This strategy can be implemented in many other cases; here is a first example: 

Corollary 5.8. Let G be a finitely generated group isomorphic to G x G. For any 
isometric G- action on any proper cocompact CAT(O) space, there is a decomposition 
G = G X G for which that action factors through the first factor. 

Moreover, if one chooses a priori decompositions G = G" for n G N, then for any 
isometric G-action on any proper cocompact CAT(O) space of fiat rank < n, one of the 
n factors in G" acts trivially. 

We recall that every countable group can be embedded in a group G = G x G as 
above [Mei82, Cor. 6]. Moreover, there are torsion-free examples; for instance, following 
the proof of Proposition 7 in [Mei82] , consider two copies U, V of the Baumslag-Solitar 
group BS{2,3): 

U = {a,t: t~^a^t = a^), V = {b,s: s~^b^s = b^). 

Then t and [a,t~^at\ freely generate a free group, as do \b,s~^bs\ and s. Define T to be 
the free product of U and V amalgamated over these free subgroups (with the generators 
identified in the order given above) . Then Meier exhibits a (non-trivial) finitely generated 
subgroup G = G X G in the full product T^ . Notice that T is obtained by successive 
HNN-extensions and amalgamated products, starting with infinite cyclic groups and 
amalgamating over free subgroups (of rank one and two). Elementary Bass-Serre theory 
(or classical HNN-theory [Neu54, §5]) thus implies that T is torsion-free; hence G is 
torsion-free as well. 


Proof of Corollary 5.8. It suffices to prove the second statement since the factors of G" 
can be suitably re-arranged as G x G. Therefore, we fix some decomposition G = G" and 
an isometric G-action on a proper cocompact CAT(O) space X of flat rank < n. In order 
to be able to pass to successive transverse spaces, we only retain the weaker information 
that X is proper of flat rank < n (which is preserved thanks to Proposition 3.16). Such 
a space cannot contain a product of n unbounded convex subspaces. Therefore, the 
splitting theorem of [Mon06] (specifically, Corollary 10 therein) implies that either G 
fixes a point at infinity of X, or one of the factors of G" preserves a bounded subset 
of X, hence fixing a point. In any case, it follows by induction that one factor H = G 
of G" fixes a refined point. Applying successively Theorem F and Theorem A, we find 
that the image of H is Is(X) is obtained by various extensions of soluble and residually 
finite groups (appealing to Lemma 5.6 for the residual finiteness). However, a finitely 
generated group isomorphic to its own square does not have any non-trivial finite or 
abelian quotient; thus H acts trivially indeed. D 

It was pointed out in the introduction, as a consequence of Theorem C, that the 
wreath product Z ; Z cannot be a discrete subgroup of Is(X) for any proper cocompact 
CAT(O) space X. The assumption of discreteness is essential in that observation, since 
the group Z I Z does admit faithful actions by automorphisms on regular locally finite 
trees. This should however be contrasted with the torison-free elementarily amenable 
group G= ((Z;Z);Z) ;Z---, which is more precisely defined as the increasing union 
of the groups 

Gi = Z, G„+i = G„;Z= (0G„) xZ, 

where G„ is identified with its copy at the coordinate zero in G„+i. 

Corollary 5.9. For any isometric G-action on any proper cocompact CAT(O) space, 
there is a subgroup of G isomorphic to G which acts trivially. 

Proof. This follows from Theorem A once one observes that the kernel of any homomor- 
phism from G to any soluble group and to any locally {residually finite} group contains 
a subgroup isomorphic to G. D 

5.C. Discrete amenable subgroups and soluble groups of finite rank. In view 
of Theorem A, discrete amenable subgroups of Is(X) are {locally finite}-by-{virtually 
soluble}. The main result of this section is the much more precise statement of Theo- 
rem C. We recall that a group is said be of Priifer rank r if every finitely generated 
subgroup can be generated by at most r elements, and if r is the smallest such integer. 
This notion is sometimes simply called the rank in the literature and we shall do so for 
brevity's sake. For example, the additive group Q** is of rank n. Soluble groups of finite 
rank have been studied extensively since Mal'cev's foundational work in the early 1950's. 
An overview of their theory, including many far-reaching results can be consulted in the 
book [LR04]. At this point, we only record the elementary fact that the class of groups 
of finite rank is closed under group extensions: more precisely, if G is a group with a 
normal subgroup N such that N and G/N have rank r and r' respectively, then G has 
rank at most r -\-r' . 


The proof of Theorem C has a structure roughly parahel to that of Theorem A, and 
will be given at the end of the section. We shall need to study stabilisers of refined 
flats; the discreteness assumption on T is exploited in combination with some rigidity 
properties on discrete amenable subgroups of Lie groups. 

Our first task is thus to collect those various subsidiary results, notably on Lie groups. 
Although they are probably well-known, we nevertheless supply proofs, by lack of ap- 
propriate references. The first is a variation on Bieberbach's theorem. 

Proposition 5.10. Let n > 0. Given a closed subgroup H of the Lie group R" x 0(n), 
the group of components H/H° is {free abelian of rank < n} -by-finite. 

Notice that the order of the finite quotient cannot be bounded by a function of n, 
since the circle group S^ contains cyclic subgroups of arbitrarily large order. 

Proof of Proposition 5.10. Let E" be the Euclidean n-space, so that Is(E"') = R" xiO(n). 
We work by induction on n, the base case n = being trivial. 

If H stabilises a proper Euclidean subspace, let N be the (compact) kernel of the in- 
action on that space; thus H/N can be identified with a closed subgroup of R™ x 0{m) 
for m < n. By induction, {H/N)/(H/N)° is {free abelian of rank < mj-by-finite. But 
this group is a quotient of H/H° by Lemma 5.3. The kernel of this quotient is finite, so 
that in this case we are done since a finite-by-{free abelian of rank < r?i}-by-finite group 
is {free abelian of rank < m}-by-finite. 

We assume henceforth that H acts minimally on E". Let F C En be a minimal 
/^"-invariant Euclidean subspace, and set m = dim(F). The union of the collection 
of all such subspaces is itself a Euclidean subspace which is ff-invariant, and must 
therefore coincide with E*^ by minimality. Therefore we obtain an ii-invariant product 

with the additional property that the ii°-action on the second factor E""*" is trivial. 
Let p: H ^ Is(E'") and p' : H ^ Is(E'^~"*) be the canonical projections. We have seen 
that H° < Ker(p') = H' . 

Pick a base point x G E™ and set H^ = Stab//(3;). Thus the intersection Hx H H' 
is compact, and hence the projection p'{Hx) — Hx/{Hx D H') is a closed subgroup of 

By [DS02], the neutral component H° acts transitively on its minimal subspace F = 
E'". Equivalently p{H°) is transitive on E™, and thus H = Hx ■ H° ■ In particular 
H = Hx- H', hence we have p'{H) ^ H/H' ^ Hx/{Hx n H') ^ p'{Hx). Therefore, the 
projection p'{H) is a closed subgroup of Is(E"~'"), which must be discrete since p'{H°) 
is trivial. In particular H/H' is virtually {free abelian of rank < n — m} by a version of 
Bieberbach's theorem, see e.g. Theorem 2 in [OliSO]. 

As H° < H', the transitivity of p{H°) on E™ also implies H' = {Hx n H') ■ H°. 
It follows that H'/H° is compact, hence finite. Consequently H/H° is an extension 
of H/H' by a finite normal subgroup. Thus H/H° is virtually a free abelian group of 
rank < n — m, as desired. D 

Proposition 5.11. Let G be a connected Lie group. Then there is r = r[G) such that 
every discrete amenable subgroup T < G has the following properties: 


(i) r is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r} -by- finite. 

(a) Rad_5f^(r) is finite and r/Rad_s^^(r) is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r}-by- 
{finite of order < r}. 

Proof. Let F < G be a discrete amenable subgroup. Then F is virtually soluble by Propo- 
sition 2.2. By Corollary 8.5 from [Rag72], any non-empty collection of soluble subgroups 
of G has a maximal element. Recalling that polycyclic groups are precisely those soluble 
groups satisfying the ascending chain condition on subgroups (see e.g. [LR04, 1.3.1]), we 
infer that T is virtually polycyclic. Consequently it is finitely generated and virtually 
{torsion- free polycyclic}. The bound on the rank of the polycylic kernel in terms of G 
follows from [AtisGO] (and can be traced back to Zassenhaus [Zas38]). Thus (i) holds, 
and the finiteness of Radjf^(r) follows. 

Let now F < G be a discrete subgroup which is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank n}- 
by-finite. In order to establish (ii), we proceed by induction on n, the case n = being 
trivial. Assume now n > 0. Then F has a non-trivial free abelian normal subgroup, say 
Z™ = A < T, with m < n. The conjugation action of F on j4 yields a homomorphism 
TT : F -^ GLm(Z) whose kernel is ^r(^) • A. 

The index of a torsion- free normal subgroup vr(F) is bounded above by a constant 
depending only on m. Therefore 7r(F) is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r'}-by-{finite 
of order < r'} for some r' depending only on n. 

On the other hand, the induction hypothesis applies to the quotient Ker(7r)/A, which 
is a central extension of Ker(7r). Bearing in mind that a central extension of a locally 
elliptic group is {locally elliptic}-by-{torsion-free abelian} (see Proposition 2.3), we infer 
that the group Ker(7r)/Rad_sf^(Ker(7r)) is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r"}-by- 
{finite of order < r"} for some r" depending only on n. Assertion (ii) follows since 
Rad_sf^(Ker(7r)) < Radif^(F). D 

Finally, we record an abstract group theoretic property. 

Lemma 5.12. Let T be a countable group. Assume there are constants r, M > such 
that for every finitely generated subgroup A < F, the radical Rad^^(A) is finite and the 
quotient A/Rad_sf^(A) is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r}-by-{finite of order < M}. 
Then F/Rad_^^(F) is {torsion-free soluble of rank < r}-by-finite. 

Proof. We enumerate the elements of F as F = {71,72, . . . }. For each n > 0, let A„ = 
(71, • • • , 7n) and i?„ = Radif^(A„). 

For m > n, the finite quotient Rn/ Rm H Rn embeds in Km/Rm- Its order is thus 
bounded above by M. Since Rn is finite, we find a sequence of indices (mj)j such 
that 77ii+i > rui > n and that the intersection i^^. n Rn is constant and has index at 
most M in i?„. Setting R'^ = Rm^ n Rn and noticing that P|^ Rm^ is finite group that is 
normalised by all elements of F, we infer that R'^ C {^^Rmi ^ Rad_5f^(F). This shows 
that [Rn '. i?nnRad_5f^(F)] < M for all n. It follows that the image of A„ in the quotient 
F/ Rad_^^(F) is {finite of order < Af }-by-{torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r}-by-{finite 
of order < M}. 

We infer that there is some A^ such that every finitely generated subgroup of the 
quotient H = F/Rad_sf^(F) is {torsion-free polycyclic of rank < r}-by-{finite of order < 
N}. In particular H is of finite rank. It only remains to show that H is virtually 


To this end, let H' be the subgroup of H generated by all A^! powers. Thus H' is 
normal and the quotient H/H' is of finite exponent < A^!. In particular, for any finitely 
generated subgroup A < H, the image of A in H/H' is poly cyclic- by-finite of finite 
exponent, hence finite. Consequently H/H' is locally finite. On the other hand H/H' is 
of finite rank since H is so. Remark that a locally finite group of finite rank and of finite 
exponent must be finite by the solution to the restricted Burnside problem (see [Zcl91] 
and references therein). We conclude that H/H' is finite. 

Finally, given h G H', there is a finitely generated subgroup A of i? such that h 
belongs to the subgroup A' of A generated by all A^! powers of elements of A. Since A is 
{torsion- free}-by-{finite of order < A^}, it follows that A' is torsion- free. Consequently 
H' is torsion-free as well. D 

Proof of Theorem C. Let G = Is(A') and T < Is(A') be a discrete amenable subgroup. 
We already know from Theorem A that T/ Radjf^(r) is virtually soluble. We need to 
show that it is in fact virtually {torsion-free soluble of rank < r} for some r depending 
only on X. 

We start with a preliminary observation. 

Pick a basepoint x G X and let i? > be large enough so that every G-orbit meets 
the closed ball B{x,R) of radius R around x. For each z £ X, the stabiliser Gz is 
compact. Its image in the totally disconnected quotient G/G° is compact as well, and 
hence contained in some compact open subgroup of G/G° by [Cap09, Lemma 3.1]. Let 
Oz < G he the preimage in G of such a compact open subgroup. Thus Oz is open, 
contains Gz ■ G°, and the quotient Oz/G° is compact. 

We next remark that the union UzeBfx B) ^^ ^^ ^ relatively compact subset of G. 
We can therefore find a finite set zi,...,Zn such that \JzeB(x R)^z C \J^=i Oz^- Let 
O = nr=i ^zi- Thus O is open, hence contains G°, and the quotient 0/G° is compact. 

We claim that there is a uniform bound A'' such that for all z G B{x,R), we have 
[GzG° : GzG° D O] < N. The fact that this index is finite is clear since O is open. 
Since GzG° C UiLi ^^i, it follows that GzG° is covered by left cosets of O in the various 
groups Ozi- Therefore we obtain 


[GzG°:GzG°nO]<Y, [O^r- O]. 


The claim follows by setting A'^ = Yl^=i [Ozi '■ O]. 

We now return to the discrete amenable subgroup T < G. By Proposition 5.1, there 
is a F-invariant refined fiat F C Xg^^...^^^. of depth A; > 0. 

Let /: R^ x A'^j,,,,^^, — )■ X and g' : G^^^...^^^. — >• G be the maps provided by Propo- 
sition 3.16. By assumption F stabilises the flat R x F C R'^ x X^^ ^^^. Since / is 
g'-equivariant, it follows that ^'(F) stabilises the flat F' = /(R'^ x F) (1 X. 

By cocompactness, there is some h £ G such that h{F') meets the ball B{x,R). We 
set Q = Adho q' , so that ^(F) stabilises h[F'). 

It is quite possible that a softer argument could be provided in the present setting by invoking 
Corollary 2 page 141 of [SunTl]. 


Let H = q(T). Denote hy K < H the pointwise stabiliser of h{F'), which is thus 
compact and normal in H. The quotient H/K embeds as a closed subgroup of the Lie 
group ls{h{F')). Since X is cocompact, the dimension of F' is bounded above by a 
constant depending only on X. By Lemma 2.5 (or Lemma 5.3), the neutral component 
H° maps onto the neutral component of H/K. Consequently Proposition 5.10 ensures 
that the quotient H/{H°K) is {free abelian of rank < r'}-by- finite, where r' = r'{X) 
depends only on X. Let F' = q~^{H°K). Thus F/L' is {free abelian of rank < r'}-by- 

By construction K fixes some point z G B{x,R). Therefore we have g{T') < H°K < 
G°G,. We finally set T" = q~\0). Thus [V : T"] < [G°G, : G°G, n O] < iV be the 
claim above. 

Let A < r" be a finitely generated subgroup. Thus ^(A) < O. Since A is finitely 
generated and O is open, it follows that the conjugate A„ = hgn^Qn^h^^ is contained 
in O for all sufficiently large n. 

By Theorem 2.1, the radical Radjf^(O) is compact and the group 0/Rad_sf^(0) is 
an almost connected Lie group. Moreover, the number of its connected components 
depends only on X. Notice moreover that A„ n Rad_sf^(0) is a finite normal subgroup 
of A„, thus contained in Rad_5f^(A„). By applying Proposition 5.11 to the quotient 
A„/A.„ n Rad^^(O), we deduce that Radj5f^(A„) is finite and that A„/Rad^^(A„) is 
{torsion- free polycyclic of rank < r"}-by-{finite of order < r"}, where r" depends only 
on X. The same properties therefore hold for A, since it is conjugate to A„. 

Recalling that [F' : F"] < N , we infer that for every finitely generated subgroup 
A < F', the radical Radjf^(A) is finitely generated and the quotient A/Rad^^(A) is 
{torsion- free polycyclic of rank < r"}-by-{finite of order < Nr"}. We are thus in a 
position to apply Lemma 5.12 to F', which ensures that F' is {torsion-free soluble of 
rank < r"}-by-finite. 

Recall further that F/F' is {free abelian of rank < r'}-by-finite. Therefore F is 
{torsion-free soluble of rank < r}-by-finite, where r = r' -\- r" depends only on X. 
This concludes the proof. D 

5.D. An easy comment on nilpotent groups. For the record, we indicate a vari- 
ation on the Adams-Ballmann theorem [ABy8] that is apparently not available in the 
literature, giving a stronger conclusion in the special case of nilpotent groups. This easy 
comment is not needed for the results of this paper. 

Proposition 5.13. Let G he a nilpotent group acting hy isometries on a proper CAT(O) 
space X. Then either the G preserves a flat or it fixes a point ^ G dX and annihilates 
the Busemann character (3^. 

This will be proved inductively, using the following relative statement for general 

Proposition 5.14. Let G he a group acting hy isometries on a proper CAT(O) space X. 
Then either the centre 3f{G) preserves a flat or G fixes a point ^ G dX and annihilates 
the Busemann character f3^. 

Proof of Proposition 5.14- For any finite subset F C ^(G) and any e > we define 
XF,e = {x £ X : d{zx,x) < \z\ + e y z £ F], 


where \z\ denotes the infimal displacement length of z. By centrality, this closed convex 
subset of X is non-empty and G-invariant. Letting F grow and e shrink, we obtain 
a net of subsets, monotone decreasing with respect to inclusion. Assume first that 
the intersection Y of all Xp^^ is non-empty. Since all elements of 2f{G) have constant 
displacement on Y, there is a decomposition Y = R" x Yq (with n > 0) such that every 
element of 2f{G) acts by (possibly trivial) translations on R" and trivially on Yq, see 
Theorem II. 6. 15 in [BH99]. Thus 3f{G) preserves indeed a flat. 

We assume henceforth that the net Xp,, has empty intersection. This implies that 
the distance from a base-point p to Xp,, tends to infinity. Denote by pp^^ the projection 
of p to Xp^^. Any accumulation point ^ G dX of the net pp^^ will correspond to a G- 
invariant Busemann function since Xp^^ is G- invariant, finishing the proof. (Compare 
Proposition 2.1(2) in [AB9S].) ' D 

Proof of Proposition 5.13. We argue by induction on the nilpotency class of G; the base 
case is when G is the trivial group. For the inductive step, we apply Proposition 5.14 
and need only consider the case where 3f{G) preserves a flat F in X. Upon passing to 
a subflat of minimal dimension, we see that F is minimal as (non-empty) convex 2f{G)- 
invariant subset. The union [/ C X of all such flats splits canonically as U = F x C for 
some proper CAT(O) space C endowed with a canonical G / 3f {G)-action, see Theorem 4.3 
in [CM09b]. We now apply the induction hypothesis to this G/^(G)-action on G. If 
G/^{G) preserves a flat E <^ C, then G preserves the flat F x E '^ X and we are 
done. If on the other hand G/ ^{G) fixes a point ^ G dG C dX and annihilates the 
corresponding Busemann character, then we are also done since 3f{G) acts trivially on 
G. D 


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